
Impressionism is originated in the 19th century, it was first pioneered from French artists from Paris. Impressionists are the first artists that wanted to do something different with the art movement. Impressionists have managed to break the tradition of the mainstream art.

Claude Oscar Monet

Claude Oscar Monet

In the lesson we looked at a painting by Claude Monet. Monet painted different oil based paintings. In this painting Impression Moonrise the painter has used large brush strokes. Most impressionism painters use thin and small brush strokes and some of their work havent been finished. Exhibitors wouldnt allow unfinished paintings into an exhibition unless its completly finished. There have been relatively harsh reviews on his work, there was a newspaper article saying that the painting is just a sketch and can hardly be stated as finished work. His paining is now in Paris in the Monet Museum.

I personally think in this work that the newspaper reporter is right. His work doesn’t look finished to the correct  standards and it doesn’t look like much of a painting. His work is sort of child like created in a way than other artists use.

The impressionists have increased with respect from the public and has also been accepted by other artist movements themselves. The impressionists have been known to being different than other art movements so they are more of a diverse group.